Is This You
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About Nora

Is This You?

  • I have too much going on, too many irons in the fire. And it's not just me — everyone in the company is overwhelmed and things are falling through the cracks. We can't afford to lose potentially lucrative business because we're all so busy putting out fires.
  • I started this company by myself, but now I have a team of people to manage — and it's not easy. I'm spending so much time overseeing everyone else that I don't have time to focus on long-term strategy. This is going to lead to problems down the line.
  • Business growth is slowing down. Our customers are satisfied but we need new business coming in more consistently (preferably more of what we call our "ideal clients") if we're going to have the kind of success we want long term. We need a better plan.
  • I feel alone at the helm. It's up to me to make the right decisions for this business. I have good people around me, but I need someone at my level to provide unbiased, honest input and feedback.
  • I'm in a competitive industry that is constantly changing. For my company to be successful, I need to be able to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on, both inside and outside my organization. We have to be able to anticipate change and be flexible enough to respond quickly. Right now we're not doing that very well.
  • As we get busier it's becoming harder to maintain the quality and customer service we're known for. Our future profits depend on my ability and the ability of my entire team to continue to grow the company and at the same time keep our clients satisfied.
  • I have a clear vision for my business but my team can't seem to see it. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I just don't have the right people on board.
  • I'm at a crossroad with my company. Some days I think I should expand, hire more staff, and go after bigger business. Other days I'm content keeping it small and controllable. I know I should step back and take an objective view of the playing field before moving forward with a plan.
  • I've lost my passion. I need to refocus my energies and set new goals. I'd also like to have more balance between work and the rest of my life. Otherwise … burnout?

Do you see yourself or your team in the descriptions above? Are you the owner, leader, or decision maker in your organization? Are you ready to take action? If so, you'll want to know about outcomes you can expect when you work with me.

"My clients are committed to quality, innovation, good customer relations, and bottom line results. They value integrity, professional ethics, and doing right by both their clients or customers and their employees. They're highly skilled and they know their businesses inside and out. They also know when it's time to seek the support that will help them grow and thrive while staying true to their values."

—Nora Wolfson